Chiron’s Confident Cooperation ~ 18 Dec 2021

The solstice, but days away, serves as another reminder that the Gregorian Calendar awaits the page turn to a new year. For some, the warmth of summer may encourage rolling up the sleeves for tasks demanded by the upcoming year. For the other half of the planet, as Game of Thrones predicted, winter is coming and has arrived and while hunkering down might be required by the season, the investment of energy leans toward amplifying creative pursuits.

Speaking of investment, coated in Capricorn, Venus aligned with Pluto in the past days, begins her retrogradation, and prepares to redo that task on the 24th. This transit pattern may feel daunting... in time, in money required, and the one thing that can be controlled, the energy investment required to do significant and tremendously worthwhile deeds. Venus reminds us that the numbers, the cost, the resources required, as much as they are tangible, they are also emotional. When the demands of the world, or the requirements of your pursuit feel insurmountable, take time to step back and let your feelings catch up with what’s on your plate. When you wrap around the emotional part of life’s demands, energy enthusiastically rises to meet the occasion.

It might feel knotted up out there. Perhaps efforts for progress feel muddled and muddied. The solution: Look up and feel the wonder and awe of this Universe we occupy. The Sun now stands aligned with the Galactic Center. Ideas and innovations flood the airwaves and are pretty much free for the picking by those who chose cosmic titillation despite this busy and demanding season. Present in the ethers could be the seed thought or the nifty insight that opens the floodgates to you next big thing. Of course, working to settle in with mundane matters and be at peace with those, clears mental space to receive new ideas. The good news is: There is space on the cleaned up hard drive.

Mercury in Capricorn seeks to confirm this fact presently as they precisely square Chiron in Aries tomorrow. The agenda: Work to identify any thought that does not support your interest. Abandon thoughts that ring up insufficiency, a Chiron thing. Get rid of not smart enough, not clever enough, not tall enough, not experienced enough... any and all such thoughts deserve to be discarded in the cosmic dumpster. Cultivate healing thoughts. Do what Chiron did when confronting rejection... study, learn new things, hone crafts and become spectacularly brilliant in all you do. Sufficiency and proficiency eagerly follow.

Chiron continues to support year-end efforts and bolster confidence. Mars in Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries on 25 December. For those doing Christmas, give yourself a grand gift of agreeing to do only things that are good for what ails you. For those not doing Christmas, reward yourself for the year well done with a pact to go forward performing only those tasks that serve your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social and domestic well being. Invest in all that furthers. Shun what retards. Get on with what’s good and grand.

To be reported in the final SkyScraping of 2021, there remains hay to make while the daylight of the year still brightens all horizons. Here’s the preview of coming attractions: On 29 December, the Sun in Capricorn squares Chiron in Aries. First stay safe! Avoid reckless skiing, swimming with Great White Sharks, flying through the air with balloons tied to your lawn chair for lift, avoid potential pandemic cesspools. With self-preservation topping the list, recognize the affinity between mountain goats and rams. Assess the endurance and attributes of both totems... climbing high for perspective without unnecessary head-butting. Note how well you’ve done to track the Galactic Center and enhance your psyche and overall well-being. Rest on the assurance that all the confidence boosting brought about by Chiron increases complete cooperation in your life... complete in the sense that you now cooperate only with those considerations that cause your being to thrive. Chiron is in Aries, and while it’s true that Capricorn presents the impact of your participation in real world responsibilities, all this meets at the intersection of Destiny Road and Soul Street.

Here’s to a continued safe and festive Holiday Season. Remember, the Star of Bethlehem, given it likely was a conjunction of planets, can be seen virtually worldwide. To appease Eris in Aries, viewing and perspective available to all, non-exclusively.

Next week, the final post of the year (barring the discovery of Planet 9).